Yoruba comic actor Babatunde Bernard, popularly known as Baba Tee, has accused his colleague, comedian Seyi Law, of intellectual theft during a recent interview on the ‘Honest Bunch podcast.’
Recounting his relationship with Seyi Law, Baba Tee alleged that Seyi Law appropriated his creative material for personal gain. He claimed that Seyi Law, whom he considered a close friend, used one of his jokes without permission during an Open Mic session at an AY Makun concert.
Expressing disbelief, Baba Tee mentioned being alerted to the situation by a mutual acquaintance named Omo Jesus. Subsequently, Baba Tee attended one of Seyi Law’s shows and witnessed his joke being delivered without consent.
Highlighting the importance of intellectual property, Baba Tee noted that he had previously noticed instances of his material being used without authorization.