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University Unions Threaten Nationwide Strike


The Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) and the Non-Academic Staff Union of Education and Associated Institutions (NASU) are threatening to close down higher institutions in the country due to the federal government’s refusal to approve their requests.

During an interview with ChannelsTV on Sunday evening, SSANU president Mohammed Ibrahim stated that the unions have given the government a seven-day deadline. He warned that if their demands are not met, universities in the country will be shut down.

Ibrahim emphasized that both organizations will go on strike if the government does not take action by the end of the deadline.

“We are in charge of security, we are in charge of administration, we are in charge of medicals, we are in charge of hostels, we are in charge of electricity, we are in charge of everything apart from teaching. So, once our members down tools, no university can function in Nigeria,” Ibrahim said.

“It’s quite unfortunate. No union member wants to go on strike but when you are pushed to the wall, what would you do? You have to push back.

“You can see what is happening in the country. The economy is in dundrums and everybody is suffering. Most of our universities are located far outside the township and our members have to commute every day. Fuel cannot be accessed, food is scarce, our medicals can not be attended to, and members are suffering quite clearly,” he added.

Speaking about the union’s grievances,Ibrahim said: “It’s quite absurd that we have to speak like this and it is because we have been clearly shown that we do not matter in the system while we all know that there is no university that can function without the non-teaching staff.

“We are populated by professionals, we oil the engine in the administration of every university and therefore treating a segment of staff with disdain does not speak well of the system.

“In 2022, all the university-based unions were on strike – four of us. For us in NASU and SSANU, we went on strike on the 27th of March and we called it off on the 27th of August after the intervention of the then Minister of Education, Mal Adamu Adamu.

“We had an agreement that we signed with the government to review the situation and ensure that justice is done,” he added.

Ibrahim mentioned that the final part of the agreement stated that no one should face consequences for participating in the strike, and salaries should not be held back.

He explained that despite this, the government stopped the salaries of all non-teaching staff in May, which were only reinstated in September of that year. Additionally, he noted that the current government chose to only pay the withheld salaries to ASUU members.

“Today, as I speak to you, our colleagues in ASUU have been able to get theirs and no one is saying anything about NASU and SSANU,” he lamented.

Adoga Stephen
Adoga Stephenhttps://allubtimes.com
Stephen studied Mass Communication at the Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu (now Lagos State University of Science and Technology), where he acquired requisite training for the practice of journalism. He loves the media, and his interest mostly lies in print medium, where his creative writing skill makes him a perfect fit.

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